Vehicle graphics are far and away THE most cost effective advertising you will ever undertake for your business. To briefly sum up our approach to supplying this service:-
- We only use 5 – 7 year + high quality vinyls
- We offer a high quality design service with every vehicle
- We partner with many manufacturers ensuring you have huge choice of materials to choose from
- All of our decals are machine cut – there will never be a scalpel anywhere near your paintwork!
You will always know EXACTLY how your vehicle will look before it goes into production.
If you are supplying your own artwork, it should be supplied with the following considerations:-
- Images should be at least 150dpi @ full size
- Text converted to curves/paths
- Preferred file formats, .cdr, .ai/.eps, .pdf, .png, .jpg, .psd
If you don’t have the facility to create/supply your own artwork, don’t worry, we offer a comprehensive, high quality design service. We will take digital photos of your vehicle and encourage you to sit down with us infront of a screen whilst we mock your design up in front of you. Only when you are happy, having reviewed your design and material swatches will we put it into production.
Precise costs are very difficult to provide as there are so many variables including material choices, material coverage and design choices, but in line with our philosophy of being as transparent as possible, the following could be indicative of good working average prices:-
- Peugeot Partner or similar – £150 – £275 + VAT
- SWB Transit Custom or similar – £250 – £450 + VAT
- LWB Sprinter or similar – £375 – £575 + VAT
Artwork is included in all of our vehicle graphics pricing.